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Lizzie Borden took an axe...

You know the rest of the story!

I cannot believe that we've already had a week of rehearsals for this show. I'm not going to lie, Lizzie is a musical that I've heard once but never really paid a ton of attention to. Now I'm regretting not being more obsessed with it sooner because learning this music is a CHALLENGE! Regardless, I'm so excited to be working on this show!

It is so thrilling to be in a rehearsal room full of confident, talented, amazing women telling women's stories. I can't wait to share this show with you. Bridget is the kind of character that doesn't come around often. She's a little bit of everything and a whole lot of confusing. I'm having the best time playing and figuring her out. I'll keep you posted on how it's coming along!

Check us out at the Tek Box starting 3/27/20. You can grab your tickets here!

I mean COME ON! Look at this talent!!


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